

I hate political rants, really, but wanted to post briefly about the bombings yesterday in London. Being pale, and hyper aware of class markings, and, mostly, having lived in Britain when I was 10, I feel close ties to London. It's my city (though I wish I could claim a cooler metropolis, like Paris or New York). The inflated prices, the bland food, the sense of grey bustle and history, it all sits very nicely with my soul.

I wish Tony Blair would tell Bush to fuck off. Really, I do. We watched Love Actually the other night, and I almost applauded Hugh Grant as Prime Minister telling Bill Bob Thornton to watch his skeevy self. Such a thing in real life probably wouldn't have saved 50 or so Londoners from dying, but I can't help but feel like someone should at least try to stop this mess.

It'd be nice if it was Britain that put on the brakes.

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