
Library Binge

To celebrate the end of the semester (two classes! two jobs! One parent's health crisis!), yesterday I went on a book spree. Luckily, Simmons College buys lots of new novels (unfortunately called the "Diversions collection," which sounds like cheap perfume). Since the undergraduates have gone away, I pretty much cleared the joint of anything interesting. Here's what I'll be reading:

Saturday, Ian McEwan
recommended by the inestimable Jenny M.,who introduced me to McEwan years ago.
Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini
Geographically remote (i.e. outside of Britain), politically relevant novels generally turn me off, but I'll give it a try.
Lighthousekeeping, Jeanette Winterson
I used to love Winterson (especially The Passion), but I also used to love Tori Amos. I'm willing to try this one, however, because it's gotten strong reviews.
The Mermaid Chair, Sue Monk Kidd
Chosen mostly by title, cover, and the vague notion that I've heard that it's good. I'd be a publisher's dream if I actually bought books anymore.
Blink, Malcolm Gladwell
I teach parts of The Tipping Point and really like the logic behind Gladwell's analysis. Plus he has excellent hair.

I plan to report on each of these books as I plow my way through them. I start summer classes in a month, so I have about that long.


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