
New/old friends: which is worth more on the black market?

Two things happened this week:

A very new friend, made at a conference last month, called to ask if she could fly up to Boston to hang out with us over spring break. What could be any better than meeting someone willing to subject herself to a small apartment, one wife, one pot head brother, one overly affectionate pooch, and two cats, one of whom cries in the night for no reason? I tried to warn new friend that for us a night out means a well-timed Netflix delivery and thai food. Get this: she still bought the ticket.

A very old friend, one of the three remaining who knew me in adolescence (and lived to tell the tale), called to invite us to her wedding in LA in August. She flew to mine on short notice two years ago. Why? Because sometimes love lasts a lifetime, readers. Especially in the case of a dancer/actress and teacher/librarian with nothing in common but the cast of Oklahoma!, circa 1993.


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